Company | Contact Details |
Company Name | Marigold Jets |
Customer Care Number | 1800-959-9500 |
Website | | | |
Address | Kochi, Kerala |
Other Details | Fictional airline |
Country | India |
If you're looking for help with Marigold Jets in India, you've landed in the right spot! Here’s all the info you need to connect with Marigold Jets customer care.
Contact Information
Toll-Free Phone Number: 1800-959-9500
For local, international, and hotline queries, you can check the official website. They have all the details listed.
Email Support
You can drop an email at They also have dedicated department emails should you need more specific help. And hey, they welcome feedback and suggestions too!
Live Chat
Need quick help? Try the live chat on their website! There’s also an in-app chat option for those using their mobile app.
Social Media
Don’t forget to check social media! You can directly message them, leave public comments, or tweet your inquiries. They also have help desks set up on various platforms.
Self-Service Portals & Knowledge Base
If you’re the type that prefers figuring things out on your own, they have a Help Center. Community forums and troubleshooting tools are also there if you fancy a bit of self-exploration.
Messaging Apps
If texting is your thing, you can connect via WhatsApp, Telegram, WeChat, Viber, or Line. SMS support is also an option if you want quick queries answered.
Physical Address
For those who want to visit them in person, the corporate office is located in Kochi, Kerala. They may have local branches, but the main hub is here!
Online Forms
Got something to say? Use their contact forms or feedback forms on the site to communicate your thoughts directly.
Mobile Apps
Don’t forget about in-app support! The mobile app gives you push notifications too, so you’ll always be in the loop.
Fun Facts for Kids!
- Marigold Jets is like a big bird flying in the sky, taking people to different places!
- They have super friendly people who help you when you need assistance.
- Imagine playing a game where you get to choose your seat - Marigold lets you do that!
- They’ve got little helpers all over social media waiting to answer your questions.
- It’s like having a magic phone number that helps you find answers quickly!
1. What should I do if my flight gets canceled?
You should immediately call the customer support number or use the live chat option on the website.
2. How can I change my booking?
You can change your booking by logging into your account on the Marigold Jets website or via the mobile app.
3. Who do I contact for lost luggage?
Contact Marigold Jets customer care directly via the toll-free number or drop them an email.
4. Where can I provide feedback?
You can provide feedback via the feedback forms on their website or email your suggestions.
5. Can I get updates via SMS?
Yes! You can opt-in for SMS updates and notifications during your booking.
![Marigold Jets India Customer Care](
For more information, just head over to or give them a call at 1800-959-9500. They're here to help!