ONGC Videsh India Customer Care Number

ONGC Videsh India Customer Care

ONGC Videsh India Customer Care: Your Go-To Guide!

Hello dear reader! Today, we're diving into the fascinating world of ONGC Videsh India customer service. If you ever wanted to know how to get in touch, you've come to the right place.

Let's Start with the Basics!

You can call them at this handy number: +91-11-2612-3363. They have a toll-free number too but that's a secret I haven't discovered yet!

Email Support

  • Write them a lovely email at They'll get back to you, promise!
  • If you have department-specific inquiries, find their dedicated emails on their website: .
  • Feedback? Suggestions? Pour them out through email!

Chat Away!

Guess what? ONGC Videsh also has a live chat on their website and in their apps. More of a texter, are ya?

Social Media Gurus

  • Use direct messaging, public comments, or tweets to get their attention. They've got eyes everywhere like your favorite aunty!

Self-Service Heroes

  • Find everything you ever wanted in their Help Center or even their community forums. Troubleshooting tools are ready in waiting.

Ride the Messaging Wave

Need a chat on WhatsApp, Telegram, or Viber? They've got it covered. Just send them a wave, digitally, of course.

Visit or Write to Them!

Their corporate office is at Plot No. 5A- 5B Nelson Mandela Road, Vasant Kun... (more adventures await in full address). Call them before dropping by though!

They Love Forms Too!

Forms, forms and more forms. Whether it's contacting or feedback, use their online forms to make your voice heard.

On the Go with Mobile Apps

Stay connected with their mobile app. Push notifications and in-app support are your new best friends here.

Talk Like a 7-Year-Old!

  • ONGC Videsh digs for oil where there's water!
  • It has a giant office in India.
  • They have friends in over 10 countries, cool right?
  • Think of it like a big team with special uniforms but no capes. Yet.
  • They sometimes win awards because they're awesome!


Why can't I call ONGC Videsh at night?
Mostly cuz they sleep too! Call during the day, alright?
Where can I see more about ONGC Videsh?
On their awesome website and they even have social media, just like you!
What if they don't reply to my email?
Send them another one! Sometimes they miss things like we misplace toys.
Can I visit their office on Sundays?
Sundays are for rest! Visit any other day, like Monday!
Why do they have so many ways to contact them?
They want to be pals with everyone, and know it's easy to talk in different ways!