OC Oerlikon Corporation AG Switzerland Customer Care Number

If you ever need to reach out to OC Oerlikon, here’s all the information you’ll need! You won't have to search high and low. Let’s jump right in!

Contact Details at a Glance

Phone: +41 58 360 9600
Email: info@oerlikon.com
Website: https://www.oerlikon.com

Ways to Reach Out

1. Phone Numbers

OC Oerlikon provides a variety of contact options through phone. You can reach them via:

  • Toll-Free Number: They might have something for local calls.
  • Local Numbers: Check their website for your specific regions.
  • International Numbers: Easy to reach worldwide, just dial in!
  • Hotlines: Special lines for urgent matters, mostly listed on the site.

2. Email Support

Email is great for detailed queries:

  • Customer Support Email: Send your questions to info@oerlikon.com.
  • Dedicated Department Emails: For specific inquiries, you can find those online too.
  • Feedback & Suggestions: Sharing your thoughts? That’s helpful, just shoot them an email!

3. Live Chat

Need answers quickly? Use:

  • Website Chat: There’s probably a chat option on their website.
  • In-App Chat: If they have an app, this could be super useful!

4. Social Media

Stay connected, friends! They are on various platforms:

  • Direct Messaging: Shoot them a message!
  • Public Comments & Tweets: Join the conversation online.
  • Social Media Help Desks: Look for help options on social platforms.

5. Self-Service Portals & Knowledge Base

Prefer to find things out for yourself?

  • Help Center: Tons of resources there.
  • Community Forums: Connect and learn from other users.
  • Troubleshooting Tools: Get those issues fixed on your own.

6. Messaging Apps

Nowadays, we’re all about convenience:

  • WhatsApp Support: It’s fast and efficient!
  • Telegram, WeChat, Viber, Line: Look for them on your favorite messaging platforms!
  • SMS/Text Support: Sometimes a text is all you need.

7. Physical Address

In case you need to send something:

Corporate Office Address: Churerstrasse 120, 8808 Pfäffikon, Switzerland.

Check their website for local branches.

8. Online Forms

You prefer filling out forms? No problem:

  • Contact Forms: Easy way to get in touch!
  • Feedback Forms: They welcome your insights!

9. Mobile Apps

If they have an app, it’s worth checking out:

  • In-App Support: Chat and get help directly.
  • Push Notifications: Stay updated right on your phone!

Fun Facts for Kids!

  • OC Oerlikon makes cool stuff for different industries like automotive and aerospace!
  • They have offices in many countries, so they are like a big global family.
  • They help make things run faster and better, like machines and engines.
  • Oerlikon loves innovation, always looking for new ideas!
  • They also care about the planet and try to make things environmentally friendly.


How can I contact customer service?
You can contact them through phone, email, or via their website chat.

What is the email for feedback?
You can send feedback to info@oerlikon.com.

Can I chat live with customer support?
Yes, there is a live chat option on their website.

What social media do they use?
They are present on various platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Is there a mobile app for customer support?
Yes, they may have a mobile app that offers in-app support.


OC Oerlikon Corporation

Five Quick Facts About OC Oerlikon Corporation

  • OC Oerlikon was established in 1906 and is a well-known player in the markets it serves.
  • It operates in more than 37 countries.
  • The company is structured into three business segments: Surface Solutions, Manmade Fibers, and Industrial Solutions.
  • OC Oerlikon is well-recognized for its advanced materials technology.
  • It is listed on the Swiss Stock Exchange.