Dentsu Group Inc. Japan
Looking for help? You've come to the right place! Here’s how you can reach Dentsu Group Inc., whether you're in Japan or somewhere else on this beautiful planet.
Phone Numbers
- Toll-Free Numbers: Sorry, we don't have one at the moment.
- Local Numbers: Reach us at +81-3-6217-6600
- International Numbers: Same as above, just add +81!
- Hotlines: For urgent matters, give us a call
Email Support
- Customer Support Email: You can email us at info@dentsu.com
- Dedicated Department Emails: Check out Investor Relations for more!
- Feedback & Suggestions: Drop us a line. We always listen!
Live Chat
- Website Chat: Pop by our website for a chat.
- In-App Chat: Coming soon in our app updates.
Social Media
- Direct Messaging: Find us on Twitter or Instagram
- Public Comments & Tweets: We love to hear from you!
- Social Media Help Desks: Coming soon!
Self-Service Portals & Knowledge Base
- Help Center: Visit our site for more info.
- Community Forums: Let’s build it together.
- Troubleshooting Tools: On the way!
Messaging Apps
- WhatsApp Support: Give us time, we're getting there!
- Telegram, WeChat, Viber, Line: In planning stages.
- SMS/Text Support: Not just yet.
Physical Address
- Corporate Office Address: Visit us at 1-8-1 Higashi-Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-...
- Local Branches: Details on our website.
Online Forms
- Contact Forms: Available here.
- Feedback Forms: We appreciate your feedback!
Mobile Apps
- In-App Support: We are working on it!
- Push Notifications: Keep tuned for alerts.
Fun Facts for You!
Did you know?
- The company was founded in 1901. That's like, super old!
- Dentsu is one of the biggest advertising companies in the world.
- They have this sweet network called Dentsu Aegis Network.
- Dentsu's first newspaper ads were way back in 1947.
- They really love sports and do a lot of sports marketing.
Q: How do I contact Dentsu Group Inc.?
A: You can call us at +81-3-6217-6600 or email info@dentsu.com.
Q: Can I chat with someone online?
A: Yes, we have a chat feature on our website!
Q: Where is Dentsu's head office?
A: It's in Tokyo at 1-8-1 Higashi-Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-...
Q: What is the company’s email?
A: Email us anytime at info@dentsu.com.
Q: How do I leave feedback?
A: Use our feedback forms on the contact page!