ICICI Bank Missed Call Number and SMS Service

You can check the balance of your ICICI bank account by sending miss call to 02230256767.

You can check last 3 transactions of your ICICI bank account by sending miss call to 02230256868.
Note: The phone number must be registered with the bank.
To register your number with your bank account, contact your ICICI bank branch.
For more details about registration process visit:


SMS Banking Service for Primary ICICI bank account

Balance enquiry using SMS
1. Balance enquiry
Send SMS IBAL to 5676766 or 9215676766.

2. Last 3 transactions
Send SMS ITRAN to 5676766 or 9215676766.

3. Cheque status enquiry
Send SMS ICSI Cheque No. to 5676766 or 9215676766.

4. Stop cheque request
Send SMS ISCR Cheque No. to 5676766 or 9215676766.

5. Cheque book request
Send SMS ICBR to 5676766 or 9215676766.

6. View presented bills
Send SMS IVIEW(space)Biller Nickname to 5676766 or 9215676766.

SMS Banking for Non-Primary ICICI bank account

Balance enquiry using SMS
1. Balance enquiry
Send SMS IBAL(space)Last 6 digits of Account No. to 5676766 or 9215676766.

2. Last 3 transactions
Send SMS ITRAN(space)Last 6 digits of Account No. to 5676766 or 9215676766.

3. Cheque status enquiry
Send SMS ICSI(space)Cheque No (space)Last 6 digits of Account No. to 5676766 or 9215676766.

4. Stop cheque request
Send SMS ISCR(space)Cheque No (space)Last 6 digits of Account No. to 5676766 or 9215676766.

5. Cheque book request
Send SMS ICBR(space)Last 6 digits of Account No. to 5676766 or 9215676766.

6. View presented bills
Send SMS IVIEW(space)Biller Nickname to 5676766 or 9215676766.

For more details visit: http://www.icicibank.com/mobile-banking/sms-keywords.page?